Teenage Girl’s Dream Closet
I was asked to design a closet with a 12-year-old girl in mind. Having three daughters of my own, this sounded like a perfect challenge!
I wanted to make this custom organized space really special. Material selection was the first step. I wanted the walk-in closet to be light, easy to take care of, and look girly, yet be adaptable to other people who may one day use it. So, I chose our classic white Melamine.
The next step, however, was where the true challenge started. What do young girls have and what do they actually want in their closets? Since my daughters are grown I had get a bit creative with my research.
My fingers went to work. Searching Google “teenage girl’s closets” I uncovered all kinds of useful information. Aside from a considerable amount of clothes and shoes, four things I saw most often were: lots of hats, sunglasses, jewelry, and a design mannequin. Add these tidbits to my notes and off I went to find more inspiration. I called one of my daughters, who teaches 7th graders, and asked her what she thought girls in her classes would want in their closets. She was quick to suggest a place to display memorabilia, a secret hiding place for a diary, and storage for belts and scarves.
I was ready…I knew what girls needed, desired and now knew how I would design this special closet space. With a little thinking outside the box, plus Closet Factory’s large assortment of accessories, I was able to incorporate everything into “Jill’s” closet.
The Closet
The first thing I did was make sure there was adequate storage for clothes and shoes. After that, the fun began!
Wall 1 – Front Wall to the Left of the door.
- On this wall, I added a scarf-rack to show off all her beautiful scarves
Wall 2 – Left End Wall
- Here, I created a section of slanted shoe-shelves with chrome toe-rails on the bottom half and adjustable shelves for folded clothes on the top half. In place of a mannequin, a valet rod is attached to the middle of one of the shelves to give her a place to hang her outfit for the next day or put together a special outfit for hanging out with her friends.
Wall 3 – Back Wall
Section 1 -Left
- In the first section on the left, I added double-hanging with an adjustable shelf for hats, storage bins, baskets, etc.
Section 2 – Middle
- The middle section on the back wall is a treasure chest of storage all by itself. I included a bank of drawers and made the bottom drawer deeper so a secret space could be created by using a false-bottom drawer. To insure privacy, it will have a hidden lock! The top two drawers are ideal for pajamas, underwear, socks, or work-out clothes.
- Below the drawers, I added a ‘Flip-‘Flop’ basket for all of her – you guessed it – flip-flops! This is a great way to store them without taking up valuable shelf space.
- On the top portion of the middle section there is a cabinet with one adjustable shelf inside. The raised panel door fronts have mirror inserts. The doors and drawers have modern style brushed nickel pulls and knobs.
- In the same section, on the back wall between the cabinet on top and the drawers below I chose a colorful ‘WallTalker’ that can be used with pushpins, and it but looks a lot better than cork-board. She can use this to display concert tickets and other important trinkets that bring back happy memories.
- On the left side, slat-wall is attached to the shared panel. Assorted size hooks are added and used to hang rings and bracelets.
- On the right side, a sliding tie rack installed on the panel will be an ideal place for necklaces.
Section 3 – Right
- The section to the right on the back wall houses long hanging and two fixed shelves with lucite dividers. The dividers provide a place to separate purses.
Wall 4 – Right End Wall
- The final section on the right end wall has more adjustable shelves and a slide-out hamper on the bottom.
Wall 5 – Front Wall to the Right of Door
- Lastly, on this wall, there is another scarf-rack that can be used to display her collection of sunglasses. Below this is a belt rack.
Perfectly ready and waiting for the perfect “Jill” to move in.